Sunday, June 24, 2007


I was so sore yesterday! But fully recovered today. Taught yoga yesterday morning and that was a good way of working out the stiffness from Friday. I can't decide whether to clean my house, weed my yard, go to trapeze, or take a bikeride. So, I'm sitting here typing. I have a really long week ahead of me, so I'm feeling like I just want to enjoy these few hours off while I have them. It's supposed to get very hot too, which makes me think yardwork or a clean house might make my life more comfortable over the next few days. O.K. That helped narrow it down. Then if I'm antsy I'll take a bikeride or go for a run... My diet has been very bad the last few days, but not as bad as it could have been, so I'm giving myself a D instead of an F. And besides, nobody asks for my transcripts anymore anyway, so I just can't work myself up to feeling very badly. I know I'm healthy most of the time. Bon Courage!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

I would vote for trapeze or a bikeride, however, I also am able to relax a heck of a lot more if my environment is comfortable. :) If only there were 32 hours in a day!