Friday, July 27, 2007

When it rains, it pours

We are having a record summer as far as low temperatures and amount of rain. Honestly, I feel like I live in Wisconsin again. It won't stop raining!! And with the aquifers maxed out and the hard clay soil, every time it rains, it floods everywhere.

Its pouring in my life right now too. We had some serious issues with SIL over the last week or so that have created an immense amount of stress for DH and I. I'm very, very angry and hurt, and I don't think that things will be the same after this. Also, on top of everything else I've been dealing with in the last week, our 2006 Toyota decided yesterday to commit after its attempted suicide, I took it to the dealership. (That put an interesting twist in my workout of the day...more on that below). Its still under warranty, so hopefully we'll get it back soon. My parents are arriving tonight for a week long visit. At least that will be wonderful! I can't wait to see them!

Last week on Thursday, I did 45 reps of clean, squat, and press with the barbell. I started with 5 reps of 65 and then did 40 reps with 75 lbs. Friday I think I did circuits of jump rope, pullups, situps, and pushups. I took the weekend off. Monday I did a really light workout with a lot of HEY and a few pushups and body rows and stuff, focusing on form and alignment. Tuesday, I just don't remember. Wednesday I worked out with my afternoon Crossfit class, and we did a card deck of pushups, burpees, v-ups, and squat jumps. Yesterday I messed around with the kettlebells and the barbell for a little while. Oh yeah, and the fun part of the workout - I ran, FAST, 1 mile from the Toyota dealership to the Park and Ride where our other car was. I had to get back to the gym AND I was racing a thunderstorm to the car....JUST made it. :)

That's what I can remember. Not sure what I'm going to do today - I have one break in the afternoon - probably need to focus on pushups, situps, and pullups. I'll throw some rows, jump rope, or running in there too. Be strong. :)


madison said...

Way to hang in there while life keeps happining on all around you! Hope you have a wonderful time with your folks!

amber said...

I'm so sorry for all your stress! If you ever need to vent, feel free to call or email. Obviously, working out through this is helpful, as it gives you a healthy place to act on those emotions. That lovely mile sprint sounds like something I could never do, although part of me hopes I'm forced into a similar situation someday, just to find out!

K-Smash said...

Ah hell, you could sprint a mile if it was through a questionable neighborhood, you were looking at being late to work, AND you were racing a terribly nasty looking thunderstorm to your car. That situation could get anyone's booty moving! That's why I was able to keep going! :)