Tuesday, August 28, 2007

End of summer...

I'm really feeling the change of season, even though it's really hot and humid today. I guess almost two weeks of clouds and rain will do that, along with less daylight. Yesterday's BP workout was a 5 X 5 for four exercises:

Push ups--off low box
Chins---no resistance
Front squats---used 20Ks
Deadlifts---2 sets with 40ks, then dropped to just 1 40K.

Really worked on form for my push-ups, and I tried to get back to not touching the floor between chins, but I'm not there yet. The front squats felt good. I think I could have gone heavier, but I want to feel confident about cleaning the 20s before I do that. Now, I do it, but it's not pretty. For the deadlifts, I've used the 40s before, so I thought with the low reps I would again, but the front squats were intense, and I had to struggle too much on the form so I dropped down and really worked with a good range of motion with only the 40 k for resistance.

Last night my sister called to see if she could come for two weekends in september to get some personal training to prep for a Taekwondo black belt test in October. I'm thinking we'll do an intense workout in the morning, and a long HEY session in the afternoon on both days. We'll walk a lot too. Wanted to go in for a FIT workout this morning, but couldn't fall asleep last night, so gave myself a break this morning. I'll probably go for a run tonight. Be strong!!!


K-Smash said...

I hope you realize how incredibly strong you are! Those are great resistances to work at.

That's very cool about training with your sister...that should be beneficial and refreshing for both of you. :)

madison said...

Thanks for the encouragement about resistances. I look at the strongest people in the class and think, well if she can lift that much, so should I, forgetting to factor in age, training experience, job/daytime energy reserves to tend to, etc.