Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Feeling Great

I actually quit caffeine. I haven't had any since Friday morning. Saturday and Sunday were pretty hard, but I have felt great for the last two days. I started my fast on Friday evening and continued through Sunday afternoon. I decided to ease back into eating by just eating fresh veggies and fruit for the rest of Sunday. My diet has been excellent for the last two days.

I didn't work out much at all over the weekend, as I was fasting and felt like shit from no caffeine. I couldn't get out of work in time to go workout and make it to my class last night :(

I am planning on doing BP on Wed and Fri and FIT on Thurs and Sat. I should go to yoga too... sometime :) I know I need to be doing more of that.


K-Smash said...

Nice job!!! Did you get any headaches from the caffeine withdrawal?

Tough Chick said...

OH YEAH! My head pounded all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and part of Monday. It was quite miserable, but I feel great now. I am glad that I quit and I haven't had heartburn all week :)