Monday, October 30, 2006

Its been awhile!

Once again, life has me pretty busy. I have been working out everyday though! Saturday I did back-to-back partner C-band workouts. Both of my classes had odd numbers of people, and I can't say no to that workout! Its so fun.

In short, the workout involves 2 people and a large elastic tube, shaped into a circle about 3 feet in diameter. Both people get inside the tube, and one person does an exercise (ex: running) while the other tries their best to hold them back. Then you switch. Its not only a ton of fun, its a killer leg workout.

On Sunday I did the LAST Power60 class (its being canceled due to lack of attendance). Which is pretty sad, because I love that class. But we're going to keep a group working out at Power level at the same time as Sunday FIT, to keep it alive.

Diet, as always, could be better. I wish it was warmer, so I could talk myself into smoothies for breakfast. Any ideas for good, fast breakfast foods?? I mean able to make+eat in less than 10-15 min. Energy level has been good, this rotation is low as far as time commitment, so sleep is not an issue.

K-smash I can't wait to have you back. I'm really looking forward to working out with you, although I bet I can't keep up with your running! I've been doing sprint work mostly, with the ultimate goal of running a sub-7-minute mile. I love the toning effect on my legs. That sounds vain huh? Ah well, I still like it!

Ah, this is getting long. But I have one more amazing exercise. Phoenix showed it to us in Sunday class. Basically its a supine bridge, with one foot on a medicine ball and the other one in the air. Move the foot back and forth on the ball for even more hamstring work. It made me unable to bend over today, my hammies were so sore!


K-Smash said...

That supine bridge on a stability ball sounds pretty cool. I want to try it sometime soon.

That's sad that Power 60 is gone. That really was a great class. That group was super motivating.

I have a lot of different things for breakfast - oatmeal with protein powder; steamed or sauteed veggies and eggs (usually a couple egg whites and one egg); some fat free cottage cheese (natural, made with skim milk) and fruit and nuts. Trader Joe's on Monroe St. has some pretty awesome Greek style yogurt. That's really good with your favorite fruit and some nuts. For oatmeal, I love oat groats. They have great texture. I add Penzey's cinnamon (I like the Vietnamese cinnamon). I used to like Ezekial bread with peanut and/or pumpkin butter. You can cook oatmeal ahead of time and keep it in the fridge. You can clean and chop veggies ahead of time - they saute in a couple minutes. That's all I can think of right now.

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

kashi brand frozen waffles (i like the blueberry ones) with applesauce and or yogurt instead of syrup... There is another brand of frozen waffls that look that are on sale right now at Willy St- I bought the Flax ones but haven;t tried them yet
You chicks are so tough!