Thursday, October 05, 2006

October brother's birthday!!!

So this year, the older of my two little brothers not only got married, but he turned 24!!! Happy birthday, dear brother!!!

Last night, by the time I finally got around to my workout, I felt drained. I think I kept putting my workout off because I felt I had planned on doing a prison workout, but it turned into a I did a bunch of KB cleans, snatches, and presses. Then I did a bunch of situps.

Tonight DH and I went for a run. We warmed up for about 10 minutes, with jogging and line drills. Then we did three x four minute intervals of hard running. It was good. I love running with DH, because he pushes me to go faster.

That's it for now. You know how I haven't done line drills or jumprope until recently? Well, I remembered something else I haven't done....I haven't done any thinkers!!! I do it when I am doing HEY...back and forth between DD and thinker and all that, but I haven't done it and held it for as long as I can... So tomorrow, the dreaded thinker.... :D

Be strong!


amber said...

Thats awesome that you have your kb's now! Jon thought of this new exercise: kb push. Basically you thread the handle of the kb with a jungle gym and position the kb behind you. With one handle in each hand, legs in a split stance, do a 2-arm push motion forward. The kb slides along the ground behind you. Works the shoulders very well!

K-Smash said...

I can visualize that. I'm not sure that my KBs are enough weight to make that challenging enough, but I'm going to give it a try sometime this week.
