Friday, December 08, 2006

Energy Crisis

I had a good workout this morning. I really like this place where I am training. It is so motivating to work out with a group, and I really think that the trainer who runs it is great. Its as close to the MBG you can get without being the MBG. There is no place like home, no place like the MBG. :)

Med ball stuff to start...then as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of KB swings, presses (push), bentover rows, situps.

As far as healthy eating, I wonder if my calorie intake has been too low lately. My energy and motivation on solo training days has been really lacking lately. It could be stress...I do feel a lot of stress right now, and I know that I am not sleeping well. Or, is it nutritional? I don't know, but its not helping the stress level.
Dr. Burpees, I have a question for you. What do you think of multi-vitamin supplements, and do you think there is really a difference between cheap vitamins and expensive vitamins?

Anyway, for Hollis and anyone else looking for more healthy recipes, here's what to do. First, go to Penzey's and check out all the awesome spices. I like Penzey's because the prices are great, and the spices are fresh and strong. They have a lot of really tasty blends too, that make cooking some dishes a heck of a lot quicker and easier. Second, go to the library and get some healthy and ethnic cookbooks. Dane County library has a decent selection. I recommend checking out the following (some are "diet" books - but they have some good info and great recipes):
-Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman
-The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook by John and Mary McDougall
-The Zone books by Barry Sears
-Health Promoting Cookbook by Alan Goldhamer
-The Moosewood Cafe cookbooks (there's a lot of them!)
-The Voluptuous Vegan
-Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
-The Whole Foods Cookbook

Online Recipe Sites:
-Nutrient Rich
-Cooking Light
-Runner's World
(You can check out epicurious and allrecipes too, but there is NO focus on health there)

I've gathered a lot of recipes from all these sources, however I often (almost always) modify recipes to make them healthier or more nutrient rich. I'll still post some of my favorites, but check out some of those books! Be strong!


Anonymous said...


Concerning supplements: Check out They are a lab that test supplements to see if they have the ingredients listed on the bottle in them and in the right amount. I joined for 1 year, and found that most of the low cost brands had what they said in them, brands like Walgreens were fine.


K-Smash said...

That site is pretty cool. I've heard of Consumer Lab before. They test the components of supplements and health products - but I wonder if they discuss the benefits of the product. For example, if they are going to test iron supplements, do they tell you what the difference is between ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumerate, and ferritin? I think that some vitamins and minerals are absorbed better in some forms, and less in other forms. I am wondering if different vitamin formulations are more or less effective too. I'll have to read some more and see if they give that information too.
