Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Warm and Sunny Wednesday

Sunny and 76 degrees. This makes the 100+ degree heat in the summer worth it. Wow, its beautiful out this week! I hope it continues, at least through Tuesday, because my brother and his wife are coming to visit for a few days.

This morning we did KB snatches, swings, contra lateral jerks, snatch balances (more like a dynamic push press with a simultaneous squat), overhead lunges, jump chins, and a quick half mile run.

Then throughout the day, I did sets of pushups, 15 to 20 per set. I did 125, so I think that'll be it for the day.

Be strong!


madison said...

Hey K-smash!! You are my inspiration! Thanks for hanging in on the blog. I will be using it more heavily now that I'm counting on myself to create/do my own workouts. Take advantage of that beautiful Texas weather!! P.S. How's the job?

K-Smash said...

The job? Eh. I'm kicking the job search into high gear. No start date on the other one yet, and I'm not going to hold my breath. I found a few possibilities in the area - applied to one already and will apply to the others soon...keep your fingers crossed for me!