Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I finally got some discipline and made out 10 workouts, 5 FIT and 5 body power. That's because when I came home from work, if I was at all tired, it was impossible to plan and do a workout. So I took the hard part out of it!

And my workouts have gone from an hour a day to 30 minutes a day. I just don't have time for more. Which is working out fine, I can do the bulk of a workout in that time. I just shorten or skip the warmup (or do my first set or two light), and don't add core. That will be a full workout by itself every once in awhile instead.

Yesterday: 3o min AMAP of 1) 15 JR doubles, 2) 15 burpees, 3) 15 situps, and 4) 15 jump squats. It was very tough, and halfway through I really just wanted to stop, but I made myself finish. I'm not sure how many sets I did, my guess is 11-13.

Today: card deck with pushups, body rows, deck squats with 20#, and hip slaps (thanks for the inspiration BBG!). Also hard to complete, but not as bad. Pushups and body rows felt very strong, the hardest part was hip slaps. I kept coming down too fast onto my right hand, which hurt my shoulder. But I finished them, and feel okay so far. I'll be interested to see if my shoulder hurts tomorrow though!

I can't figure out if these workouts are appropriately hard, if I'm just tired after work, or if its the heat. I hope its the first one. At any rate, I'm sleeping like a log, and my energy is decent given the hours (which are kept under 80, thankfully :)

1 comment:

madison said...

They are plenty hard! You're doing great keeping yourself motivated, Burpees. It sounds like working with a 30 minute timeframe helps you keep the intensity up so if it also helps your schedule it sounds like the ideal format for your workouts... Can't wait to hear about those shoulders. Mine are finally better!