Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back in town, and with a new toy!

I was out of town for a while for work, but now I'm back. I got a couple runs in while I was traveling, and one circuit workout with weights.

I bought myself a new toy.

Its awesome. I love it. We have it set up in a spare bedroom in the basement. I also got some giganitic rubber bands, so I use those for a little assistance with pullups and dips.

Yesterday I ran 3 miles through my neighborhood, which is definitely a nice, hilly route. Then I did a circuit of assisted pullups, dips, leg raises on the new toy, pushups on the pushup bars, and pushups on a med ball. Then I was cleaning around the house, and between each chore, I did another set of assisted pullups.

Today I ran a mile and a quarter. Then I did a prison workout with just thrusters (squat and shoulder press) and deadlifts. I used 2x30lb dumbbells on the thrusters and only about 100 lbs for the deadlifts. I decided to go light on those because I was tired and wanted to be able to workout hard tomorrow too.

Be strong!

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