Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saturday morning fun

This morning I dragged DH to the community Crossfit workout at Town Lake. DH did NOT want to get up and work out, but he was a good sport about it and ended up have a good workout.

We did the normal warmup - squats, pushups, quarter-squat rotations, Bergener's warmup, a few line drills...then we did agility ladders for a bit, nothing too intense. Then we did something like 20/10, rotating through 4 stations, 3 times, of dumbbell push presses, KB swings, pushups with an open up at the top, and some sort of fast feet thing, holding a pvc pipe and pushing it out and bringing it back in, in front of the chest... After that we did 50 cleans. I used a 16kg...I felt like I could've done it with a 20 kg (but they didn't have a 20 kg there, so it didn't matter). Then we did 4 minutes of incline plane, with the option to take a 10 second rest every minute. DH and I took the rest breaks...but it sure didn't seem like it was really 4 minutes. I think that was about it. It was a fun workout, and I felt pretty good.

Then we went home, and I did 60 more pushups, and 60 situps.

I've never been one for making New Year's resolutions, but this year I was thinking about it. Maybe not resolutions, as much as goals. But for one of them, I was thinking of doing at least 15,000 pushups during 2007. That averages to 41 a day...but some days, obviously, I'll do more, and some less. I would like to eventually get to the point of being able to do 50 without stopping. Right now I can do about 25 without this would make pushups more of an endurance exercise for me. I don't want to set myself up for overtraining, but I don't think its that extreme....thoughts?

Be strong!

Friday, December 29, 2006

back in the gym :)

Hi all! I actually got to workout at the MBG Thursday! It was so good to be back. I did the assigned workout: 90/30 of exercises in groups of 3. Running, sliding/skaters, crawling/mountain climbers, etc. It wasn't too bad, but today my legs are SO sore! Running is just no substitute for this stuff. Then I taught guns' body synergy, which was a fun class to go back to basics with. All in all a good day. Today is a 15/15 :)

Diet: eh. Breakfast was ok, banana and rice milk. Lunch was fried badness, but it was delicious. I made Texas caviar, and that will be most of my dinner (yum!)

I can't say how good it is to be back at the gym. I love it here, the people and everything. Its such a unique place.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Warm up: Easy run jog around the block with DH

Workout: 3 rounds of 50 pushups, 50 situps (hands behind head), and 50 squats

DH hasn't worked out in a loooooooong time, so he did 3 rounds of 20/20/20.

Be strong!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sunny and cool Christmas

Today I ran 4.1 miles. It was 60 degrees out and sunny...wore a short-sleeve shirt and pants, but I would've felt better in a long-sleeve shirt. Anyway, I did the run in just under 39 minutes...I need to take my running more seriously again, and get that time down. My long-term goal is to be running 8-minute miles, and that's not going to happen unless I start running more consistently again.

Last Friday I did the Fight Gone Bad workout from Crossfit. It was good...I hate sumo high pulls...

Even though DH and I have been married 6 years, and this was our 7th Christmas together, this was the first time that we've ever cooked our own holiday dinner...we always went to my parents house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since that wasn't going to work this year, we bought a fresh turkey, and roasted it. We packed fresh rosemary, oregano, thyme, and parsely under the skin and in the cavity, and rubbed it with olive oil, before throwing it in an oven bag. That worked quite nicely, and the meat was delicious. We also made a wild rice and mushroom dressing, homemade cranberry sauce, bourbon pecan smashed sweet potatoes, whipped golden potatoes, sauteed rapini, and sauteed green beans. Yes, that is a ton of food for three of us (DH's sister came over for dinner), but I don't have to cook for a few days, and we packaged up a whole bunch of complete dinners and threw them in the freezer. Good stuff.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas! Be strong!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sandy beaches, family, and burpees - what more could you want?

Last Friday - 3 rounds of 25 KB clean and jerk, 20 burpees, and 15 jump crawling for about 200 meters.

Friday night, my brother and his wife arrived for a short visit, so I spent a lot of time walking and driving, and showing them the sights all weekend.

Monday morning - went for a nice 40 minute run on the beach on South Padre Island!!!! That was heaven. Then I spent about 30 minutes crashing around in the waves in the Gulf with my brother, while our spouses stayed on the beach pondering why they married such weirdos. South Padre was so awesome...and it's the off season, so there wasn't any annoying partying going on. Our hotel (which was super cheap but super nice) was right on the beach on the Gulf side of the island. Awesome. We bought 36 lbs of fresh grapefruit at a roadside fruit stand in the Rio Grande Valley...YUM!!! We kept about a third of it, and sent the rest home for my brother and my family.

Tuesday - walking and driving all over Austin before my bro and sis-in-law left last night.

Today - 150 burpees for time. I did it in 10 minutes 11 seconds. Then we did situps - 2 minutes, 30 second rest, 1 minute, 30 second rest, and then 30 seconds. I did 91 in 2 minutes, 42 (I think) in 1 minute, and I cannot remember how many in 30 seconds...either 22 or 27...I know - huge difference between those two, but I cannot remember.

Anyway, I didn't try to eat healthy while my bro and sis-in-law were here...we ate on the go a lot, and out a I had Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, good ol' Texas barbeque, gelato, and a ton of grapefruit.... Salad is what's for dinner tonight!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spinach and Tofu

I am having a late dinner of Spinach and Tofu. Yummy! This is one of my favorite recipes. I like to saute onion in water, tamari and a bit of hot sesame oil, then add herb tofu and when it is almost done, I throw in a pound of fresh spinach and cook it for about 30 more seconds. It is simple, super healthy and SO yummy.

Today I had a great workout! We bought new kettlebells for the gym, so I helped carry them to the car at lifeline and then again into the gym. We even have two 44k's now. That was a lot of kettlebell carrying, but still not quite enough of a workout so when I got home, I rode my bike for 30 minutes, then did cable cleans and swimmers with the double red cable.

Yesterday was a 5x5. I did:

Negatives with a 25 lb red ball
Down Dogs with my feet on the tire
Slow Knees to Elbows
Pwr Wheel Leg Curls resisted with the red cables
Windmills with the 28 k on the bottom half

It kills my shoulder to hold weight on the top when I do you guys still think the movement is effective without upper weight?

Be Strong!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Still struggling

O.K. So, I've done some very short little workouts at home while I've had this cold/whatever it is/thing. This morning I got up and did a 60s workout with:
60 pushups, 60 jump lunges, 60 touch downs with 6 kg resistance, 60 full extensions using the 6 kg of resistance again, and 60 hindu squats. It took less than 30 minutes, and the pushups were hardest... My breathing is still not as good as it used to be. My lungs feel fine, I just can't get air into them. I used my inhaler before I started and had a couple cups of hot coffee too which seems to help clear out my chest, but as I was working out, I could really hear and feel it. I guess I'll just need to learn how to work with this. If I stress my body too much, I know that the allergies and asthma symptoms can get worse, so I'm committed to learning how to work with it.

Nutrition has been good. Chicken soup, black bean soup, tea, cereal and soy milk with berries, coffee. That's about all I know... Be strong!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm baaack!

What a long month and a half!! I've been going through a lot of changes, working a lot! and trying to figure out how to change my fitness routine to accommodate my work life. I haven't had two full days off in a row for so long, I mean months!! that I finally hit my limit. So, I'm not teaching a regular class anymore, I have a portable MBG, and am getting myself set up to continue working out at home for a while as I get a better sense of what I need. I haven't danced for months either--apart from the usual jump around by myself in my living room dancing.

Nutrition, I've had a hard time with that too...I did start making sure I had one healthy meal each day by going to the salad bar in the cafeteria at work and making a nice spinach salad with tuna fish. I know that this time of year is hard because of all the cake, candy, etc., but that isn't really a temptation for me. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, usually. When I'm feeling really stressed, I start to want cake, but that's not an issue right now, although it has been in previous months.

I know I will miss working out with people eventually, but right now, it feels good to take ownership of my fitness and do my own thing. The only thing I like about this time of year is that once the solstice passes, I know days will begin to lengthen. Just that seems to help.

I'm sick right now. Bad cold, lost my voice, coughing and wheezing. I feel happy, though. I'm strong, and I have all my strong beautiful friends to keep me company!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

this has been awful

Hi all, I'm still alive. Barely, since my muscles are wasting away and the only vegetable I've seen in awhile is cheesy broccoli.

This interviewing thing is getting exhausting. I'm either driving to an interview, at an interview pretending to be absolutely enthralled, or driving back to Black River Falls to work for a day, only to leave on yet another trip. Oh, yeah, I forgot, sometimes I'm on a plane instead.

All in all, this is awful for trying to be healthy. I try to run when I'm back in BRF, usually doing a 4-5 miler, or 1/4 mile sprint sets, or something. I've also done my favorite run, 1/4 mile sprints alternating with bodyweight exercises (the jungle gym goes nicely over the stationary climbing machine :). But I feel so weak, haven't been able to make my own meals in a looong time (I eat whatever the interviewing places elect to make me, or cafeteria food here in BRF.) Ugh. Sorry for the ranting, its over now.

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive, that's all. I'm counting down the days until I'm back in Madison (7!) Miss you guys!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tough Chicks Rock

Hey everyone! After a chat with K-smash earlier, I realized that I have been bad about posting! Things are crazy, absolutely crazy, but good crazy. I am always amazed at what life throws at me and how you really do have to just make up your mind to do great things and you will! I really love my life...all of it...and I owe a lot of that love to the Monkey Bar. Ok, enough of that!

My diet was great up until last week, when I moved and ran out of time and energy to go to the store. I have been eating at the co-op a lot. Tofu and greens, tofu and greens....I really like the Hummus Pita sandwich too.

Workouts have also been great. I have been doing the at-home MBG workouts with my portable MBG gym, just to see how they go and to work out the kinks. So far so good, but I miss working out with people. I think I will go to BP on Friday. So for the prison workout today, I did cable cleans, with two red cables and presses with one red cable. Whew, that was a lot of resistance on the cleans, but I made it through...barely :(|)

K-smash, you are working really hard! Keep up the good work! Be strong!

Warm and Sunny Wednesday

Sunny and 76 degrees. This makes the 100+ degree heat in the summer worth it. Wow, its beautiful out this week! I hope it continues, at least through Tuesday, because my brother and his wife are coming to visit for a few days.

This morning we did KB snatches, swings, contra lateral jerks, snatch balances (more like a dynamic push press with a simultaneous squat), overhead lunges, jump chins, and a quick half mile run.

Then throughout the day, I did sets of pushups, 15 to 20 per set. I did 125, so I think that'll be it for the day.

Be strong!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back on the water

I went rowing for an hour today. That was great - it was 74 degrees, and not a cloud in the sky!

After taking a short break, I ran 4.1 miles.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Where is everyone?????

5x5 with barbell squats, benchpress, and deadlifts. Situps. 4x15 pushups.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Short and sweet

I wanted to go to the Crossfit community workout this morning, but I went to bed really, really late, and didn't feel like working out in the cold at 8:30 a.m. with only a couple hours sleep. So later in the day, I did my own thing.

I warmed up with a bunch of KB stuff...some cleans and snatches, and then a ton of 1-arm swings with no breaks. Then I gave myself 20 minutes to do as many rounds as I could of 10 chins (90 degree) + 10 pushups + 10 body rows + 30 situps. I got through 5 rounds. Then I did a few extra pushups.

Be strong!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Energy Crisis

I had a good workout this morning. I really like this place where I am training. It is so motivating to work out with a group, and I really think that the trainer who runs it is great. Its as close to the MBG you can get without being the MBG. There is no place like home, no place like the MBG. :)

Med ball stuff to start...then as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of KB swings, presses (push), bentover rows, situps.

As far as healthy eating, I wonder if my calorie intake has been too low lately. My energy and motivation on solo training days has been really lacking lately. It could be stress...I do feel a lot of stress right now, and I know that I am not sleeping well. Or, is it nutritional? I don't know, but its not helping the stress level.
Dr. Burpees, I have a question for you. What do you think of multi-vitamin supplements, and do you think there is really a difference between cheap vitamins and expensive vitamins?

Anyway, for Hollis and anyone else looking for more healthy recipes, here's what to do. First, go to Penzey's and check out all the awesome spices. I like Penzey's because the prices are great, and the spices are fresh and strong. They have a lot of really tasty blends too, that make cooking some dishes a heck of a lot quicker and easier. Second, go to the library and get some healthy and ethnic cookbooks. Dane County library has a decent selection. I recommend checking out the following (some are "diet" books - but they have some good info and great recipes):
-Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman
-The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook by John and Mary McDougall
-The Zone books by Barry Sears
-Health Promoting Cookbook by Alan Goldhamer
-The Moosewood Cafe cookbooks (there's a lot of them!)
-The Voluptuous Vegan
-Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
-The Whole Foods Cookbook

Online Recipe Sites:
-Nutrient Rich
-Cooking Light
-Runner's World
(You can check out epicurious and allrecipes too, but there is NO focus on health there)

I've gathered a lot of recipes from all these sources, however I often (almost always) modify recipes to make them healthier or more nutrient rich. I'll still post some of my favorites, but check out some of those books! Be strong!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Winter is over

The low last night was 53 and today its supposed to get up to 70. Whoooo-hoooo!
Yes, I realize that we might get a little cold weather later on too, but I get a kick out of saying we had one week of winter...

Anyway, this morning we did swings, box jumps, cleans, situps, back extensions,jump chins, burpees, and a short run. I did swings first, and I think my brain was still sleeping. I did 50 swings with a 20kg KB. Why a 20? Because I'm stupid. I really should've grabbed a heavier KB for that one. I did 25 cleans on each arm with the 16kg. Box jumps with a 20" box... What really killed me,and I found this very surprising, were the back extensions. It'll be interesting to see if I feel those tomorrow.

Right now I am working on pushups. I just did 40 and I'll do at least 10 more. Maybe even more than that. I'm getting really hungry, so 10 more and then breakfast...and maybe I'll get my lazy butt to do more pushups tonight instead of falling asleep all evening, like I did Monday night.

Be strong!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Workout....

Well, I'm back after a long month of intense work/work, not workout/work. Have managed to get in for workouts at the gym pretty regularly since the start of last week. Went for a run last night (here, where it REALLY is winter the temp was in the teens). Slathered my face with baby oil and covered everything else up. Went for 3.5 miles, not too fast, but felt good. Got my workout in this morning. The challenge for me working out mornings is that I shut down around 4:00, head home by 5:00, in bed by 8:00. Not very exciting. But, eventually I'm sure I'll find the balance. Nutrition is good too, for now! Good to be back! Be strong!!!

Winter in the Lone Star State

Ran 3 miles last night. It was cold...well, I felt cold. It was in the 40's. Shortly after leaving the house, I had to return to add another layer of clothing. My sister-in-law saw me and called me a Texan. :D

Good workout this morning. Descending sets of KB front squat to overhead press, alternating with sets of throw-backs. I used the 12kg's, which was challenging because it was a continuous workout. The sets were all completed with minimum rest.

Its really hard for me to get up at 5 a.m., but I feel AWESOME when I workout first thing in the morning. I wish I had the discipline to train this hard this early on my own... 29 degrees when I left the house, by the way...winter does come to the Lone Star State, too.

I need to start getting more pushups and chinups in during the week. I did not do a good job of that last week. I think I may do a pushup-chinup-situp workout this evening. Be strong!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Even in Texas...

Yesterday morning when I left for my workout, it was 27 degrees!!! I was wondering which state I was in for a while.

The workout yesterday was great - snatches, swings, and burpees! Whooo-hoooo!
Warmed up with a bunch of med ball stuff. Practiced snatches with a 20 lb dumbbell, and then for the actual workout, used a 16 kg KB. I did a total of 45 snatches with each arm, 45 swings, and 45 burpees in a bit over 13 minutes.

Today I went for a 3 mile run.

I was really lazy this week, and didn't run on Tuesday or Thursday, as I intended to do. I've felt more tired than normal, and I'm trying to figure out if its the calorie restriction, a nutrient deficiency, the weather, or a bug (I've had frequent mild headaches too - unusual for me).

I made some really yummy food this week - you guys will have to try these recipes. First, I made Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic in my slow cooker. One whole chicken sprinkled with black pepper; two tablespoons of white wine and 40 whole cloves garlic sprinkled around the chicken, and cooked on high for about 4 hours. We ate this with steamed broccolini. I saved the juice, skimmed off the fat, and made a delicious chicken and vegetable soup the next day. Yesterday I made homemade mole sauce and used it for chicken mole enchiladas. That was awesome. If you want the mole recipe, email me, because its a little more involved, and I'm too lazy to type it out here.

Well, hopefully I will be able to get my lazy butt out for a run tomorrow too. I'll keep you posted! Be strong!