Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What a great day

This week has been going great. I have class for 3 1/2 hours on Monday evenings so I only had time for a quick workout. I did cable cleans with the blue cable, presses with the green cable, renegade rows with the 20k's, pushups and squats. I did 6 reps and went through it as a circuit 4 times. I finished with 4 minutes of 1 arm snatches with the 12k for 30 sec on 30 sec off.

Yesterday I was going to do the 5:00 FIT, but shadowed the STA-FIT instead and did the 6:00 FIT. I find that I am really frustrated in the FIT classes. BP comes so easy for me, but I really have to work at FIT and I feel like I am going to die :) Which I probably won't and that feeling is a clear indication that I need to keep going to them. We did alternating swings and squats for 6 sets each with 1 min on and 30 sec off. I did some swings and some snatches and then the squats. Then we did alternating box step-ups and jump rope. I only did half of this part and stopped as I felt like I was overdoing it and was beyond fatigue.

My heels are still sore, but are getting a bit better.

Nutrition is always a struggle but I am winning the battle. We have been getting lots of edamame in our CSA, which is such a treat. Last night I made brown rice with peppers, onion, tomatoes, and hot red pepper. Yum!

Oh and the reason it is such a great day is that I received the go ahead to start teaching the STA-FIT classes. YAY! I can't wait. I remember how scared I was to start working out at 29 years old for the first time and how comforting it was to realize that no one was judging me and that they were there to lend a hand and now I get to "pay it forward" by being that person.

Be Strong!


madison said...

Hey Gunshow! I think everyone would agree that the FIT classes are far more of an immediate stress on the body than the body power classes are. I think I took FIT regularly for a year before I could actually stay at a level and finish the class. There were times when I left class early, or found that I couldn't complete every set. You are right that you are training a different fitness with this class. I also think that FIT trains at a level of intensity that most people, even people who work out a lot, don't ever train at. You're already so strong mentally and physically. You'll be pounding through that class sooner than you might imagine!!

Tough Chick said...

Thanks for the encouragement :)

amber said...

Oh yeah, FIT (Boot Camp, back then) kicked my ass. Body Power never made me think twice, it was a lot like my gymnastics training. But I dreaded coming to FIT, and I hated that feeling of not getting enough air, and having a constant sideache for an hour. But it got better, although I still sometimes get those feelings! (When I push myself adequately I guess). Stick with the FIT, you'll see the difference really soon. You already have, actually!