Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I'm not saying I have any. I just want it. But obviously not enough to have it! Yesterday was a 15/15 workout for 5 minutes with 4 stations. First was d-ball cleans alternating with d-ball presses. Then d-ball snatches (have to really accelerate through the clean to press transition) alternating with front squats. The chin ups alternating with push-ups. We finished with core...pike-ups with leg curls or prone thinker with supine thinker. I used a 60 or 65# for the cleans and presses, two 25# power balls for the snatches and a 65# again for the front squats. I did jump chins and push-ups with my feet up on a tire. I just did a really extended, planked-out prone thinker and worked hard on my supine thinker pose. The thing I feel best about with that workout is that I feel like I was able to find an extended action in my feet in the supine thinker. That is a very hard pose for me. Getting the action of my heels and shins is a real struggle.

Diet...I can't remember breakfast. Had a salad at the salad bar for lunch. Had an asian veggie noodle salad with shrimp for dinner and lemon drop cookies for dessert. So after the lemon drop cookies settled, I went for a short run and ended up going to bed too late. I read this and is "sounds" like I'm very dedicated, even disciplined about my fitness, and compared to how I used to be, I am. Yet, I know that my diet yesterday was more of an exception than a rule and if I want to move to a higher level of fitness I need to cut down on the portions of food that I eat, and improve the balance of protien and greens to carbs in my diet. I just don't have that energized feeling that comes with a really healthy balance of diet and exercise. I feel like I'm struggling. I won't beat up on myself, but I need to figure out how to get more structure around my time spent working out and preparing my own food. Between work and having a social life, I've lost the priority I once placed on working out and preparing healthy meals for myself. Well, I guess priority is the operative word here. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow! Keep that energy high!


amber said...

you still put my eating to shame. Sigh. I might try the 'treat yourself to the salad bar' trick. Although in my case its not treating, its forcing. I wish I liked healthy food, instead of having to force myself to eat it.

K-Smash said...

OK, you're struggling with your diet, but your workouts are super strong, so keep yourself positive by constantly reminding yourself how freakin' strong you are.

Now, staying in that positive state of mind, I think you might try to take an objective look at your current state and see if the fatigue you feel as far as making healthy food and food choices is coming from somewhere else? The other thing you might want to try is to plan a super-indulgent splurge - something that you don't normally allow yourself, maybe something you don't normally even consider - and promise yourself that after that splurge, you will be refreshed and energized and back to preparing and eating healthy food.

Or it could be the time of year, drop in temperature, and lessening sunlight...in which case, the only cure is to come visit me!!!!

madison said...

Thanks for the feedback!! I will hang in there. I know that if I keep myself rested, eventually my energy boosts again and I'm able to get back on track with things. In the meantime, I will hang in there. Looking forward to my workout tonight!!