Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yoga me

Forgot about HEY tonight at mound street. I think I'll be heading to that instead of jiu jitsu drill workout... I think.... I've needed to get back into yoga for a while, and I feel like I'm finally ready to take on a little more activity. Well, I don't have much else that is new. Except my bike. Did I mention I have a new one?


K-Smash said...

I need to get back into yoga again too.

Now that you have that spiffy new bike, perhaps you would like to go for a little ride...say 2400 miles...then we can do yoga together! :D

amber said...

next week, yoga at mound? I will call or talk with you at the gym. I will be on ophthomology, so will have a light enough schedule to do it!!