Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hey Everybody

Hey Ladies! I decided that my lack of posting has been going on for way to long. Sorry that I have been away. I have been training really hard and still working a ton of hours, but everything is really coming together!

I have been eating a lot of greens and tofu and I feel really good. I am forever fighting my sweet tooth, but have been allowing myself a handful of unsweetended dried papaya everyday. That helps along with a piece of fruit too.

I have the same cold that K-smash has and am fighting it hard. I went to the MBG today and once I got there, I decided to listen to my sick body and not work out. That was a good idea. Instead, I went to the co-op and made a salad of Spinach, tofu, and red onions. Yummy

Monday's prison workout was nice. I decided to go heavy and it took an hour and a half to complete it. Now I know why we called it the house of pain! Ha! I did full chins, with asst. from my partner, full push-ups, 20k for front squats and 28k for swings ( I alternated the swings with 16k one arm snatches).

I finally climbed the Rope! I have been trying for a couple of years and last week, I finally did it. All the way to the top! YAY!

Yesterday, I did my own workout. 20 one arm snatches with the 12k followed by a 50 lb D-Ball carry for 30 yards, then rest one minute. I did this 10 times. It was a killer. Then I climbed the rope for a cool down. heh! (just kidding about the cool down, but I did climb the rope)

I hope everyone is doing well. Be Strong!


amber said...

you go girl! Rope-climbing takes an enourmous amount of strength . . . but you knew that. You're very inspiring to me, both diet and workouts!

K-Smash said...

It was great working out with you and hanging out! You've gotten really strong in the last 6 months! Keep it up, girl!!!