Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Been working/traveling some and dealing with further allergy-related stuff, so have been working out and following good nutrition with a lot of intention for the last week and a half... Mostly, my workouts have involved running, just getting to where I can go for about 5 miles without stopping. I'm slow. But it feels good, especially now that it's not so cold. Yesterday, I did a simple workout. 10 sets of 5 reps (each side) one-armed kb cleans. I used a 20. Then I was going to shoot for 10 sets of 5 reps on push-ups, but I stopped at 8 sets. I haven't done push-ups for a while, and it was hard. I'm sore today, going to go for a bikeride.

Nutrition wise, I'm just trying to not eat anything too acidic, and to eat more frequently. I can't seem to permit myself a small meal in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. AS a result, I'm so hungry that when I get home I eat too much and/or too fast and it is creating problems for me, especially if I try to get a little exercise even two hours later. So, I'm working on slowing down in the afternoons, planning and preparing an afternoon snack to help. Then I'll see how things go...Also, still working on opening up my third chakra (located at the solar plexus). I'm finding kneeling mountain, to table, to prone mountain, to bridge, to ultra dome a helpful sequence. Namiste!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Your workouts sound really good!

I totally hear you on feeling famished at night when you get home. I have always had the same problem. A well planned afternoon snack helps, as does doing most of the cooking for dinners on weekends....

Good to "see" you!!!!