Saturday, April 07, 2007

another run

Today I did K-Smash's mile breakdown workout. It was the first time I've done it on a track, and it went well. I did the mile at 10-minute mile pace, 3/4 at 9-minute mile pace, 1/2 at 8-minute pace, and 1/4 at 7-minute pace. I feel so much better running this year than I did the same time last year. Too bad I won't be in town for Crazylegs; it would be fun to see if my time improved, because I bet it would.

Tomorrow for Easter I have a pretty sweet Easter Egg hunt workout planned for my FIT class. I can't wait!


K-Smash said...

An Easter Egg Hunt workout is a great idea. How are you going to do it?

Good job on that mile breakdown. Those paces are really good! Especially to be able to maintain a faster pace at the end when you're more tired...

amber said...

For the egg hunt, I used 6 colors of eggs, each with a different type of exercise (burpee, jumprope, agility ladder, core, balance, and wild card). Each egg had a different variation on the basic exercise (for burpees: do 100, do 100yd traveling, do 15/15 for X minutes, power level did 1-arm and 1-leg, etc). So everyone had a unique workout and in a unique order, depending on what color egg they found first. People only found one egg at a time, did that exercise, and moved on to another egg when they were done. The goal was to get all 6 eggs finished in the hour class.

I did the workout in the next FIT class, and it was tough! But fun, because of the variability.