Monday, August 07, 2006

Sandbag heaven

For my initial post, I'll tell you about my sandbag project....I figured I would make some sandbag to use until I can get my kettlebells. This is great...for only $20, I have over 60 lbs worth of weight to throw around. Actually, right now, I have 60 lbs and I only went through half of one 50lb bag of sand. I have about 75 lbs of unused sand left.

Here's how I did it: I got about 50 lbs of used, greasy, dirty lead tire weights from a nearby tire store. The manager was very kind, and gave them to me for free. I bought 100 lbs of sand at Home Depot for about $6.00. I also got some contractor bags (2 mm thickness, $5.00) and some Gorilla tape ($8.00). The gorilla tape is worth the price. The weights I made with it seem very durable, and I am not too worried about them breaking and showering me with sand and tire weights.

I also stopped at an Army surplus store and picked up a couple canvas bags. I've loaded the 60lbs of weight in each one, and both hold up just fine when doing cleans and presses. I tried doing some swings with the smaller bag, but kept smacking myself in the leg...I just don't know about finding a true substitute for kettlebell swings. The bags are really nice for putting on my back for pushups. I'm able to do single pushups with 50lbs of sand on my back. I'm going to work up to a set of 8 or 10 before I up the weight again, I think.

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