Saturday, February 17, 2007


Went to a community workout this morning... 4 times through a circuit of KB high pulls, wall ball, DB push press, and med ball lunges with diagonal chops. 20 sec on/10 sec off. Next 3 rounds of 5 burpees + 10 pushups with a partner, and we had to clap hands with our partner between each pushup. Last 3 rounds of 15 overhead KB swings, while partner holds at the bottom of an overhead squat - each person did 3 rounds of swings and 3 holds.

Then SIL came over and wanted a hard workout, so I set up a card deck for her and DH. I had SIL doing pushups on hearts, chins and rows on diamonds (depending on even or odd number), KB dead lifts and situps on spades and clubs. DH did PW curls instead of DLs, v-ups instead of situps, and his exercises were assigned to different suits so that they weren't using the jungle gym at the same time. DH made it a little over half-way through the workout, and SIL made it 3/4 through. At one point, SIL said, "Whoever told you that you weren't hugged enough as a child was right!" referring to a comment a client made to me after a FIT class at MBG last year. :D

After they finished I did 75 pushups to bring me up to 125 for the day, and 120 situps (4x30). I made some discoveries this week...I can do plyo alligator pushups...they're not nearly as graceful as D's at the MBG, but its a start. I can also finally do full divebombers instead of hindu PUs. Now I'm practicing for full pullups.

Hope you are having a great weekend! Be strong!


amber said...

what's an overhead KB swing?

K-Smash said...

Instead of swinging the KB to eye level, you swing it until its straight over your head. That's what they called it.

Personally, I like doing regular swings (to eye or shoulder level) with heavier weight.

amber said...

I may try that. Although I suspect you're right, its more effective to swing heavier to eye level. That would engage the hamstrings/glutes maximally without bringing the arms into play.

K-Smash said...

Yes, exactly...I like focusing on the legs during swings. I will admit though, that during the sets yesterday, we were going super fast, because it was a "race" and that did engage my core differently than regular swings do. I just still prefer regular swings... If I want to work on engaging my core, I like thinkers and overhead squats better.

madison said...

I was confused about what this was too, so I'm appreciating Burpees for asking...I may try the overhead swing just to find out the difference between this action for the core, and up-downs (where you really bring it down fast)...

K-Smash said...

Doing the overhead swings fast did remind me of up-downs a little. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on them after you try them.