Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ladder workout

Adam led a ladder workout today. I really liked it. The way it works is you end up doing as many rounds as different exercises. First round, one exercise. Second round, two exercises. Sixth round, six exercises. You add one more exercise on every time you go through it. You guys probably know this already, but it was new to me...
We did figure 8s (around shins), slingshots (around waist), squats, presses, bent over rows, swings (3 levels), and overhead high pulls. I used a 16kg. After that we ran 800m. I felt worked but energetic afterwards.

There was a local news channel at class tonight doing a story on Adam. I hate pictures and I hate being filmed even more...totally NOT my thing. Then I had to sit down and be interviewed after the workout. I think I sounded like a complete idiot. Of course, now that I've had time to think about the questions, I have much better answers, but too late now. Grrrrrr...I am the world's biggest dork.

DH did a nice little workout tonight. I discovered a clever way to get him to train a little more regularly. I write his assigned workout of the day on the bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. If its there when he wakes up, or even the day before, then he knows there's no excuse. I'm keeping his workouts pretty short for now too, to keep him going. So tonight he did a 40's workout...40 reps each of pushups, situps, overhead high pulls, swings, and bent over rows. I had written body rows, but he did the bent over rows instead because his injured finger is still bothering him. I want to start giving him some 5x5 workouts with full pullups, but he says his finger hurts too much for him to do a pullup. I think I'm more frustrated over it than he is. Aside from the finger, he's doing great. This weekend I think we're going to do the 150 burpees for time workout together. :D


amber said...

ladder workout sounds awesome! Should I do it with more Body power exercises, or FIT ones? Can you give me some examples of exercises you did with this setup?

K-Smash said...

Either way would be good, I think.
I've seen Adam do it with med ball exercises for some of his clients.

It would be a great KB workout or a FIT workout.

We did all KB stuff, so it was figure 8s, slingshots, presses, rows, swings, and high pulls. You could throw snatches or cleans in there too.

Or you do it with FIT stuff, like
first set 10 burpees.

Second set 10 burpees, plus 10 up-downs.

Third set 10 burpees, 10 updowns, 10 russian twists.

Fourth set 10 burpees, 10 updowns, 10 russian twists, 10 skaters.

Etc. That would rock. Hmmmm, I think I might have to use that myself. :D

K-Smash said...

BTW, if that doesn't make sense, I'll write the entire workout in a word doc and email it to you.

amber said...

i get it, and I love it! Perhaps it will be my workout today. I'll need to pick a stopping point ahead of time though . . . so I dont quit early!

K-Smash said...

Yeah, I would pick about 6-8 exercises, and decide the order ahead of time. :)