Friday, March 23, 2007

Some workouts just make me mad

I felt like a big sandbag when I woke up this morning. I felt that way yesterday too, so I took yesterday off. I figured I would feel better once I started working out, but about 1/4 of the way into this workout, I was just ticked off.

Anyway, today's workout:

1 mile run
75 burpees
1 mile run
75 swings (24kg)

I felt better once it was over. I am thinking of doing a short 15/15 later of just pushups and situps, depending on how I feel. Have a great weekend!


madison said...

Good to push through! I hate that feeling---days when my energy is flat and my bones feel filled with lead. I'm glad you got through it!!!

amber said...

it happens to the best of us. I was reflecting on a similar fact on my way home from work today. Why do I always feel disappointed if my workout isn't as intense as possible? Sometimes a more mellow workout can kick my ass too.

K-Smash said...

I think we're addicted... :)

That's exactly right...this was a good workout, but because I was tired and backed off a tiny bit, I was pissed off. My body felt like a giant sandbag. I felt like I couldn't perform at my optimum level, yet I still did well...yet I was ticked off. I'm nuts. We're all nuts...