Friday, April 20, 2007

back at it

Yesterday I did 2 workouts, to make up for my upcoming weekend. I'll be in FL, and my only activity will be applying sunscreen. Unless I can get the BF to run with me on the beach, that is :)

In the morning I did 4 one-mile repeats. First one was in 11:30 (ouch!). They got progressively faster, but my last one was only 9:45. Ah well. At least I ran. It was beautiful outside for once, too.

Then in the afternoon, I did FIT class. We did 100 yds of each:
traveling burpees
crab walk
lunge walk
broad jumps.

I did it in a Power Sports Trainer, which was fun but hard. I also did it on the bike path, so got quite a few stares in my getup. Which is always amusing.

Today's workout is listed as a prison workout of Dball clean, lunge, press, walk to start. Starting at 10 reps, going to one rep. I'm hoping to use the 60#. There, now that I said that, I have to use the 60#!


madison said...

Hey, did you use that 60#? Hope you had a great time in Florida. Good workouts!! You are really pushing like K-smash did before she left. See you soon!

K-Smash said...

I love mile repeats.

I hope you had a great time in FL! You're really putting some miles on this year!! Two weeks until you come to TX!!! Whoooo-hoooo!