Monday, April 09, 2007

Back for more...

Made it in for a workout this morning... Worked on my own, did the posted workout though. It was good!! K-bell presses, K-bell cleans, foot up lunges, and leg curls. The workout was for 60s, I used the 12ks. I made it through with 5 sets of 12s. On the foot up lunges I pushed to 3 sets of 20s. I used a smaller range of motion so that I kept my hips as vertical as possible. The leg curls killed me! Everything else felt very good. I'm hoping to make the 6:30 fit class...

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Yes, 60 leg curls would hamstrings hurt just thinking about it. :)

That's an excellent workout.

I haven't done foot-up lunges in a long time. I've done all walking lunges and regular lunges with weight. I haven't done jump lunges in a long time either. I should do some of both soon.