Friday, April 13, 2007

dice workout

Today we tried a new workout tactic at the gym: a dice workout.
There were six exercises, and rolling one dice decided which exercise would be done.
Then, three more dice decided how many of the exercise were done (between 3 and 18 reps).
Exercises were: pushups, renegade rows, split squats, tucks, touchbacks, and deadlifts.

It was a fun workout! I was sweating hard by the end. I finished it off with 60 pw rollouts and some balance work.

I'm trying to get the energy up to do some sprints. Hasn't happened so far today; perhaps tomorrow!


K-Smash said...

Very cool workout!

madison said...

Hey Burpees! I liked that workout too! Really got a good sweat going and because everything really is to chance the load up on some of those exercises was intense! It made my day to learn that I hadn't been as out of shape as I thought on the FIT workout...Thanks for the class!

amber said...

you're never as out of shape as you feel. It took awhile, but I finally realized that I'm never going to feel "strong and fit" as I go through FIT workouts; they're just too damn hard! Only after the fact do I feel accomplished :)