Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm (almost) a homeowner

I've been in Charlottesville home shopping, and just found out this morning that my offer on a townhouse has been accepted! So 3 very long hard days of searching for housing seems to have paid off. Pics of it are at the bottom of the post.

In those 3 days, I did little more than get into and out of cars, so my workouts were not so hot. But I got back to it today, doing Monday's BP workout with Robyn:

6X3 of one armed:

presses with 24k

cleans with 32k

squats with 20k

swings with 32k

The workout was tough, and I experimented with some heavier weights. I failed cleaning 36k, and failed pressing 28k. It was fun to lift heavy!

Also, its amazing how hard squats were with weight only on one side. So much core required!


K-Smash said...

CONGRATS!!!!! On the house, and that kickass workout!!! Nice!!

madison said...

Yowza! You are strong!!! Congratulations on the townhouse! I don't want you to go!

amber said...

I'm going to miss Madison so much, especially the Monkey Bar and everyone who goes there. But it will be a good chance to challenge myself to provide my own motivation and means to working out and being healthy, just as you said you were doing by being away from the gym, BBG. Of course I will rely heavily on you ladies to keep me motivated to work out!

madison said...

We'll be here!!!