Thursday, May 10, 2007

last few weeks in Madison

And I need to take advantage of the gym and classes as much as possible! Which is hard when I'm still tired from this weekend, but I'm putting in low-key workouts anyhow.

Yesterday I did the static hold workout, with 3 1-minute handstand holds, 6 30-second chin holds, 3 1-minute wall sits, 3 1-minute stability ball curl holds, 3 1-minute one leg balance holds, 3 1-minute prone thinkers and 6 30-second side thinkers. I was sweating by the end but not wiped. Today only my hammies are sore.

Today's workout (once I get the energy up enough to go do it) will be 10 50m sprints, 10 min of cone zig zagging, and 10 minutes of agility ladder. And some core :)

I also need to get out on my bike a bit; maybe I'll bike to the gym this afternoon. Its supposed to be 80 here today!


K-Smash said...

Yup, I remember my last days at the gym. I still miss the MBG so much, even though I've found a totally cool place to train. The MBG is definitely one of a kind...and all the trainers there are just awesome. I miss them too. I hope Jon knows how much he really changes people's lives for the better. :)

Enjoy Madison while you're there, and then look forward to your new adventures!!! :)

madison said...

It's so fun to listen to you and K-Smash getting ready to move on in your lives...You're both so strong, and so together!

amber said...

aw shucks! I think she's got me beat, as far as preparation goes :)