Monday, May 28, 2007


DH and I did a pretty intense workout tonight with the Crossfit class.

Three rounds of:

30 dumbbell snatches (15 on each arm)
30 walking lunges
30 dumbbell swings
Row or run 400 m

I started out using the 35 lb dumbbell for snatches and swings and 2x16kg KBs for the lunges. I had to lighten up a bit for the last round, because I felt like my hamstrings had really had enough. I rowed twice and skipped one round of rowing/running because I was leading class... I like KBs way better than DBs for snatches and swings, but its good to mix it up once in a while. Be strong!


madison said...

Hey K-smash! Sounds like you are getting back into form! Sorry to have been out of the loop for a few days. Good friend from college was in town and I've been out playing...

K-Smash said...

Oh my goodness... I am STILL sore!!!

Playing is good - I'm glad you've been out having fun!


amber said...

at least you haven't been out of the loop for a few weeks! I just now got internet back, and I'm finally moved to VA and my workout room is semi-unpacked. I haven't actually done any workouts in it yet, but that will happen soon. Moving, house repairs and painting have been enough of a workout for now. I'll post as soon as I have a real workout ;)

K-Smash said...


You're back!!!!!!! I've been thinking about you. Call me this weekend or email me - I want to hear all about the new house and the move!! Exciting!