Friday, April 18, 2008

Long Week

I've been working out inside the last couple days because its been rainy out, and its nice to workout at the office around my coworkers sometimes.

Today: 1o minute warm up on the treadmill

5 rounds of:
10 90-degree assisted chins
10 thrusters (squat and overhead press) with 2x25lb dumbbells
10 pushups
30 situps
0.3 miles on treadmill

Yesterday (quick workout b/c I had limited time)
10 min on treadmill
3 rounds of:
25 pushups
10 lat pulldowns
10 min on treadmill

35 minute run through my neighborhood

1 comment:

amber said...

i need to add those little treadmill runs into my workouts. then i won't get so bored. I like the structure of having exercises in the middle of 2 segments of running too.