Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good solid workout

Body power today: 100 yd traveling workout
walking presses with 10#/hand (I know, I'm a wuss still)
walking lunges 15# per hand
bear crawl 12k's
broad jumps no resistance

The workout went very well, although I stayed light. Its still hard not to push myself when so many strong people are around, but I'm pretty proud that I'm able to be moderate, so my shoulder can heal.

Then I went to the Shell for an easy 2 mile run. My left foot started to cramp. Why does that happen? It does occasionally when I run, either one or two feet start to get tight and crampy. Does anyone know how to make that go away?


K-Smash said...

If you don't allow yourself to recover from injury, you are not being healthy. You're no wuss!!!

Most of the time, I find that comparing myself to other people can be a positive thing...picking out people to be role models...examples on how to make myself a better person in some aspect. But when I start comparing myself in a negative way - focusing on my shortcomings - it doesn't do me ANY good.

Don't worry about the other people at the gym...they all know how strong you are. That's why you set a good example of how to modify your training to recover and come back strong. You're a leader.

Foot cramps...I haven't had those since I was marathon training in '03. If its just your feet, it could be your shoes. Are they shoes specific for running? Or do you use them for other things? When I was getting foot cramps, it progressed into more constant foot pain. I ended going to a podiatrist and getting custom orthopedic inserts for my shoes. That helped a lot.

I remember getting a lot of calf cramps back then too, occasionally during a run, but more often at night. I found that drinking club soda or seltzer helped - I don't remember which one. Which ever one has quinine in it. I think club soda.

Last, I would say to do more balance work. That helps too.

amber said...

Thanks, on both accounts. I know that I'm setting a good example, and I don't worry too much about what other people think. Its more about what I think. Its just hard to back off this far, but it will pay off in the end.

As far as shoes, I wear the same pair for running and at the MBG. I haven't had any cramping before recently, and I bought them in November (and I definitely haven't worn them out yet!) So I will try tonic water?! (thats the stuff with quinine, which is supposed to be good for cramps). I'm not sure how it tastes though. We'll see. Balance work is a great idea, I'll add that into the end of workouts more. I have been neglecting it quite a bit!

Thanks so much K-smash!

K-Smash said...

Oh yeah, it is tonic water. It tastes AWFUL. I mixed in a little orange juice to make it more palatable.

Personally, I think its better to have a pair of shoes devoted only to running. That seemed to make a difference for me. The people at either Fleet Feet or Movin' Shoes can look at your shoes and watch you run and make a good recommendation on the type of shoes you should use.

madison said...

Another thought about the foot cramping---which happens to me less than it used to with running or jump roping. My problem is that I tend to shorten my arch by gripping the floor with my toes. If I bring an awareness to keeping my feet "soft" as I jump, pull a d-ball clean, or run, I tend to keep the mechanics of my feet pretty solid. By soft, I mean that I don't try to grab resistance from or pop resistance off the floor. Instead I let the ball of my absorb the impact as I push. But, it's just an idea. Don't over-think it.