Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It's so cold! My face hurts when I'm outside! No workout this morning, but planning more fun with the k-bells and jump rope in my basement when I get home. Let's see. Nutrition has been good. Here is my little single person meal:

1/2 bag of broccoli slaw in a covered bowl, microwave on high for 2 minutes

make a burger out of gimme lean beef flavored soy stuff (I make a patty and just cook without additional oil in my cast iron skillet. I sprinkle some soy sauce over the patty at the end for flavor. Sprinkle soy sauce and a little sesame oil on the veggies.

Eat. I like it because it's easy. That's all I have!


K-Smash said...

I love broccoli slaw! That stuff is awesome! I usually saute it with some mushrooms, and egg whites for protein, and then use Central Market Organics teriyaki, hoisin, or sate sauce. Yummy!!

madison said...

I will try the alternative sauces as opposed to the liquid sodium... I miss you k-smash!

amber said...

where does one get broccoli slaw . . . the frozen section?

madison said...

I found the broccoli slaw in pre-washed bagged broccoli, carrots, cauliflower refrig. section at Woodman's.

K-Smash said...

When we lived in Madison, I could also find broccoli slaw at Copp's and Pick N Save too. Woodman's sometimes had it on sale for a dollar a bag.

They have it everywhere here too...but to my surprise, Walmart also has organic broccoli slaw!