Tuesday, January 16, 2007

its rough coming back

Yesterday's 15/15 workout kicked my butt. The hindus I did really made my shoulders sore; I couldn't lift my arms over my head today! For workout I did an Indian club warmup, to try to loosen up the shoulders. Then I did 10 sets of 100's F/B with the jump rope. Then I did 50 situps and 50 leg lifts. Then I drove over to the Shell and did a slow 1-mile run. (notice, none of that requires lifting arms overhead, and situps were done with arms at sides!)

Food: largely the same as yesterday. Add in two pieces of sourdough toast and subtract eggplant. And I weighed myself today and YIKES, I have some work to do. Luckily I have time to do it now.


K-Smash said...

Tomorrow DH and I are going to do that 5x5 workout from MBG online, and I'm going to add in some hindu pushups...its been too long since I've done those... Now I have a taste for eggplant. I think I have frozen grilled eggplant in the freezer. Our grocery store here is pretty cool...they have frozen grilled eggplant, zucchini, and bell peppers...usually I don't like frozen veggies, but I like the grilled ones...

amber said...

eggplant is delish . . . i've been eating it all week, since one person can only eat an eggplant so fast, and the BF is not much of a veggie person!

Update on soreness: my slightly sore shoulders have morphed into tight, screaming balls of pain. I'm unable to move the right one at all, and the left is still really tender. I've been using OTC pain meds and muscle relaxers, but will be going to the ER tomorrow if this doesn't get better. Also, heat helps, but I haven't been able to get my shirt off, so no hot showers or epsom salt soaks yet! This sucks. :(

K-Smash said...

Oh no!!! Holy cats! I hope you feel better tomorrow...well, I guess that would be today. Jeez. Do you have access to a sauna? Maybe that would help. Princeton Club always had those coupons for free trial memberships...you could use the coupon and just go sit in the steam room for a while. Someone I used to work with joined that place just for the eucalpytus steam room...

I hope you feel better today!!!!