Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Freaking out

Yesterday: workout with K

3 rounds of:
6 turkish getups each side
6 windmills each side
6 pistols each side

And, of course, more HEY.

Today: no workout - I was planning on it but didn't feel so great, so I thought it might be better to take an extra day of rest and workout hard tomorrow.

I may have to retake the fitness test in a little less than two weeks. I'm freaking out about it. I am really nervous. I am trying to convince myself that I am totally fitter and stronger than I was in 05 when I failed it, and I know I am, but the whole thing still makes me nervous.

Meeting K for another workout tomorrow. Also planning on weighted pushups and tons of situps on my own...maybe a short run too.

1 comment:

madison said...

That is a nice workout! Especially for working on form.