Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Light workout

I did a VERY light workout today. Low reps of:
-Body rows
-One-arm open-up body rows (60 degree)
-One arm pullups (90 degree)
-Dips on bench
-Ring pushups

A little HEY: down dog and thinker.

I woke up feeling tired and with some drainage in the throat. Apparently most people's allergies are out of control right now, so it might be something like that... Be strong!

1 comment:

madison said...

Good workout! And good for you! A pose that seems to help me when I have sinus/drainage stuff going on is shoulder stand. It's an inversion that doesn't involve everything draining to the top and front of your sinuses. Get into it from bridge. Make sure your neck is extended and shoulders push open and down into the floor so that none of your vertabrae are taking any weight.