Thursday, November 16, 2006

All the way from the booming metropolis . . .

of Black River Falls! I'm finally settled in here, and getting used to my new schedule. Monday I did get to do the house of pain workout with K-smash and Chad, and it was great! All of those chins made my back feel great the next day. I need to squat heavier though; I'm so lazy with weighted leg exercises!

Tuesday, I did the pyramid workout as posted, in my hotel room. I actually have about a 6 yard length to use, so I could even crawl, lol.

I've also been running daily, which is great. Tuesday I did my favorite ascending sprint pyramid (courtesy of K-smash). 1 mile warmup, 1 mile run, 1/4 mile walk, 3/4 mile run, 1/4 mile walk, 1/2 mile run, 1/4 mile walk, 1/4 mile run, 1/4 mile walk, 1 mile jog cooldown. The last 1/4 mile was at a 7-minute mile pace.

Wednesday I was talking to my sister, who mentioned that she has gotten her mile down to 7:15. So I was like "I wonder if I can do that?" To be fair, I did use a treadmill, which is easier, but I did a mile in 7:22! That's pretty good for me, but I'm going to work towards sub-7:00 while I'm here I think.

Thursday was a steady 2-miler, nothing fancy. I was barely awake this morning at 6, I was on call last night until midnight. So just making it down to the exercise room here was an accomplishment.

I miss you ladies tons! Stay strong.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

When I was ramping up for my PFT last spring, I didn't do a lot of body power or fit classes. I did PFT specific strength training sessions, and on alternate days, I would run. My runs were always on treadmills; I would set a 1% incline, then I would warm up for a mile at an easy pace, walk about 2.5 minutes, then I would run 1.5 miles at a hard pace. I would make myself run that mile and a half a few seconds faster each time I did it, which was about three times a week.

So using this time away from the MBG to get to a sub 7 min mile is a great idea. Just make sure you don't give yourself shin splints or ITB syndrome...

It was great seeing you!!