Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sick of being sick!!!!

(I wrote this yseterday, but it didn't let me post until today).

Jeez, how long is this stupid cold going to last? Grrrrrr!!!!!

I did the 5x5 workout today with Guns and Super J. Started out doing swings with the 32kg and front squats with 2x12kg. Moved up to 40kg swings and 65 lb dball squats. Did pushups with 30 lb pball on my back for 4 sets and the green PPU (1 set of cables) for 1 set. Chins - regular chins, and didn't finish them. Chins are still a huge weakness for me.

I had some chicken soup at Willy St. for lunch and made some more chicken soup for dinner for my Mom and I. That was really good. My Dad had some too, but he fished out the chicken and didn't take any of the veggies...what a cheater! I used some salt-free veggie boullion, a couple huge boneless skinless chicken breasts, half an onion, a ton of minced garlic, and chopped celery, zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, and carrots. Oh yeah, and I added parsley and dehyrated red bell pepper, and finished it off with Penzeys Red and Black pepper. Yum. I think I might take tomorrow easy. I'm planning to walk with my Mom, and maybe I'll get some running in. Well, ladies, be strong!


amber said...

Its great to have you back. I hope I get to work out with you once before I have to leave!

Your soup sounds delicious. I'm taking a field trip to Trader Joe's today, to try to find some fast, healthy snack options!

K-Smash said...

What about next weekend? Are you in town next weekend? We could maybe plan another ladies workout...maybe for Sunday before FIT?