Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I love mornings

As much as I dread waking up at 5:00 am, I love the accomplishment of getting a good workout in before 7:00 a.m. Todays workout: three rounds of KB high pulls, situps, and running 1/2 mile - for time. I did 50 high pulls and 50 situps per set (feet unanchored, hands over chest), and finished the whole thing in just over 26 minutes.

I intend to go for a run and do some pushups later today...but I have a ton of stuff to get done today too.

I had a hard time sleeping last night...I'm not sure why. It could've been that I have a lot on my mind, or it could have been because it felt really warm. The overnight low was only 70 degrees.

So since we're on such a tight budget, I'm making some homemade gifts for family members. I didn't think we'd be able to get a tree, but I found a pretty decent 6' tree at Target for $17. I found some ornaments at the dollar store, and I'm going to try to make some too. I have a recipe for cinnamon ornaments: you make a dough out of cinnamon and applesauce, cut out shapes with cookie cutters, bake, and decorate. Two of my homemade gift ideas are sugar and/or salt scrubs and pomander balls. If you guys have any other good ideas for homemade gifts or ornaments, throw them my way!

Be strong!!!!

1 comment:

madison said...

Hey k-smash!!! I've been working hard, missing out on a lot of workouts, but started to get back into it this last week. So, I'm back. I have two suggestions. For gifts, you can buy a bunch of epsom salts (cheap!) and mix with dried rosemary, lavender, or any herb/spice that you like. Put the mix into a glass jar with a lid, and it's a very enjoyable gift. Also, when in grad school, I bought cheap shiny hot pink ribbon one year, cut lengths of it, and tied them all over my tree. It was so colorful and really made the tree look fancy without buying a lot of expensive ornaments...