Saturday, December 02, 2006

Even in Texas...

Yesterday morning when I left for my workout, it was 27 degrees!!! I was wondering which state I was in for a while.

The workout yesterday was great - snatches, swings, and burpees! Whooo-hoooo!
Warmed up with a bunch of med ball stuff. Practiced snatches with a 20 lb dumbbell, and then for the actual workout, used a 16 kg KB. I did a total of 45 snatches with each arm, 45 swings, and 45 burpees in a bit over 13 minutes.

Today I went for a 3 mile run.

I was really lazy this week, and didn't run on Tuesday or Thursday, as I intended to do. I've felt more tired than normal, and I'm trying to figure out if its the calorie restriction, a nutrient deficiency, the weather, or a bug (I've had frequent mild headaches too - unusual for me).

I made some really yummy food this week - you guys will have to try these recipes. First, I made Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic in my slow cooker. One whole chicken sprinkled with black pepper; two tablespoons of white wine and 40 whole cloves garlic sprinkled around the chicken, and cooked on high for about 4 hours. We ate this with steamed broccolini. I saved the juice, skimmed off the fat, and made a delicious chicken and vegetable soup the next day. Yesterday I made homemade mole sauce and used it for chicken mole enchiladas. That was awesome. If you want the mole recipe, email me, because its a little more involved, and I'm too lazy to type it out here.

Well, hopefully I will be able to get my lazy butt out for a run tomorrow too. I'll keep you posted! Be strong!

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