Thursday, July 19, 2007

A new attitude

Well, have not been working out much the last week, but have been doing a re-evaluation of my approach to and motivation for training. I realize now that over time, I've loaded a lot of emotional baggage onto my training with the result that I have developed a pattern of overtraining until I'm too sore to do anything, bag out for a few days, come back for a few days, repeat the cycle. I'm tired of beating myself up. I'm tired of judging my body all the time---too big, too fat, too hungry, too weak. With those thoughts, no wonder I punished myself with those workouts! So, I'm letting it all go. I'm only going to workout for the sensation of strong, life-affirming energy. I'm letting go of the need to judge my body like I have and I'm just going to trust that my positive attitude, energy, attention will provide me with the guidance I need to stay healthy and strong. It's already working. Even though I walked out of the house without any makeup on, rode my bike to work, need to get a hair cut, haven't lost any weight over the last 2 months and may have even gained a couple pounds, I look GORGEOUS! And I feel so good! Love yourselves!

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