Saturday, July 07, 2007

week in review

It looks like everyone else has been as busy as I have! I've been working out, but not having enough time to post. Here's the week in review:

Monday: clean/squat/press. 30 with 60#, 40 with 40#, and finally 50 with 20# Dball. I tried to stick to 15/15 style until finished, and each set took between 4.5 and 6 minutes.

Tuesday: 30 min. run

Wed: Off! Had a BBQ at a co-resident's place, with plenty of hot dogs and corn and beer. I love cookouts :)

Thurs: simple circuit, 20 reps of each. Made it through 2.5 times in 30 min: pushups with PPU, chins, squats with 60#, deadlifts with 115#, PW pikeup

Fri: 30/30 circuit, 5X through: cable punch, run in place, up downs, burpees, russian twist, hindu squats

Sat (today): Yoga warmup, then hold workout. 3 min. total of each hold: handstand, chinup, wall sit, pushup @ bottom, PW curl, thinker, L-seat.

All in all, a good week. Sometimes I feel like I'm not working out hard enough, but then I remind myself its better than not working out at all.


K-Smash said...

Right now you have to take into account that you are adjusting to a new way of life, a new level of responsibility, and a new level of stress. All of that has some sort of effect on your health - and you have to remember that when you are judging how hard your workouts are. I think you are doing a great job, and your workouts are certainly not inadequate. I think they're good, solid workouts. If you have doubts about that yet, then an idea to solve that is to set some concrete goals with a timeframe for each, and post them in your training room.

madison said...

I love the yoga hold workout! That is always a good one, especially if I'm feeling a little under the weather or over-trained. Strong work!