Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Picking up

So I think I am slowly but surely picking myself up again.

Yesterday evening I did a prison workout starting at 10 reps and working down to 1 rep of pushups, thrusters (squat and press), swings, and burpees. I used two 20 lb dumbbells for thrusters and a 20 kg kettlebell for swings. The idea was to do a workout that would push me, but not kill me. So I started with 10 reps instead of 12, and chose those weights to work with so that it would be a medium workout. Felt pretty good. I finished in just over 20 minutes.

Today I went for a 3 mile run at Town Lake. It was difficult because it was SO muggy out, which made me feel more tired. It was during a break between rain storms, so it was pretty steamy. I was struggling with beating myself up over not running faster and harder, and trying to keep myself at a pace that would promote increased energy instead of breaking me down. In the end, I think I did fairly well at running at a pace that made my legs feel light most of the time. I felt happy about it when I was finished.

Be strong! :)


amber said...

I liked your prison workout so much that I did it yesterday. Except I don't have anything to swing, so I did PW rollouts instead. It felt nice.

Don't beat yourself up over running in the summer. Remember that you have a long fabulously mild winter to push yourself for that. This time of year, just getting out and doing it is a huge accomplishment, I think. :)

madison said...

Hey! I like those workouts, and I'm glad that you were able to resist the urge to push yourself and stayed light. And, that's the best way to still "enjoy" training outdoors when the weather gets so hot. Good for you!