Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Workout....

Well, I'm back after a long month of intense work/work, not workout/work. Have managed to get in for workouts at the gym pretty regularly since the start of last week. Went for a run last night (here, where it REALLY is winter the temp was in the teens). Slathered my face with baby oil and covered everything else up. Went for 3.5 miles, not too fast, but felt good. Got my workout in this morning. The challenge for me working out mornings is that I shut down around 4:00, head home by 5:00, in bed by 8:00. Not very exciting. But, eventually I'm sure I'll find the balance. Nutrition is good too, for now! Good to be back! Be strong!!!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Glad to "see" you!!! I was missing you!

You know it was either last winter, or the winter before that, that I wore a windbreaker and never bothered with a real winter coat. I used to LOVE cold weather...but I think I adjusted to the warmer weather. Its funny though, when the temp gets down to the lower 30's or upper 20's, there're all these freeze warnings here...

I still refuse to turn our heat on, no matter how chilly it gets. :)