Friday, March 02, 2007


Today's WOD was a 6X3, designed to be heavy weights. I did:
down dog pushups off high box (one leg up in the air, to simulate real hs pushups)
rope climb
front squats with 16k's
deadlifts with 40k's

When I rack anything heavier than 16k's, I feel as though my weight is tipped forward, and I need to bail out forward with my weights. I'm not sure how to get back on my heels to keep the weight up. Its pretty frustrating, because I'm sure I can front squat more than 16k's, but when I try anything heavier, I fail.


amber said...
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K-Smash said...

I have no idea what to tell you. I'd have to go do some front squats myself to experiment, which maybe I will do on Monday. However, I will share everything that comes to mind, even if it seems unlikely.

Is it a balance issue or a core issue? You could try doing front squats with a single 32k held in front of your chest, as well as overhead squats with a barbell to work other aspects of the whole movement. What seems more likely to help to me would be spending some time with forward flexion immediately before doing the squats, and focusing on extending through the tailbone and pushing the thighs back would help? Once you are in touch with that activation in the legs, then try the squat.

BBG - you are the expert here! What do you think?

K-Smash said...

By the way, have I mentioned that I cannot wait until the first weekend of May???????

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amber said...

I'll try a single kb, although I should be able to do 32k, since I can do 2 16k's. I'm not sure if I can lift the 40k bell to chest height and hold it there!

I know what you mean; I'm super excited to visit! I just hope I stay in good enough shape in the meantime to keep up with you at your gym in Austin!

K-Smash said...

Uhh, yeah. You're going to come work out there and totally blow me out of the water. :) You have nothing to worry about! You're still a machine!