Saturday, March 10, 2007

i'm a copycat

I'm home for a day, and so I wanted to take advantage of equipment I don't have in LaCrosse.

I did a workout very similar to K-smash's 'playing with kb's', except I was breathing too hard to feel like I was playing!
I did 4 sets of 5 reps of:
1. double cleans
2. single push press
3. double front squats
4. single snatches
5. double swings.

Swings were much easier with one 40k than 2-20's, so I have to admit I did them that way. I feel like my form suffers with 2 kb's, because I worry about banging my legs with them as I swing them through, and so I don't stand squarely on my feet.

Then I did a short run, 2 miles on the treadmill at my typical slow pace. So far, despite being busy with school and on call, I've managed to work out every day this week, and I'm very proud! Sometimes the hardest part is just starting the workout after a long day at work.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Oh, that workout totally kicked my butt. Yesterday, I felt like I got hit by a truck, and I wouldn't even consider working out. I might take today off too, actually. I want to do a card deck on my own tomorrow, because I think I am going to make the group do it Wednesday, so I need to do it first. I'm thinking burpees, pushups, box jumps, and v-ups or tucks. :)

Double swings suck...especially with the 20's. Thats why I switched to doubles with the 16s instead of the 20s on Friday. As I get tired my form starts to break down, even with the 16s. Anyway...good workout!