Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Two days of screwy workouts

Yesterday I went into the gym just to experiment and play. The gym is set up for Crossfit, so there's a lot of stuff to experiment with that we didn't do at the MBG. Here's some of the stuff I did:
-overhead squats with a bar (some high rep sets at 45lbs and some low rep sets at 75 lbs)
-bent over rows with the 16, 20, and 24kg
-down dogs off a 20" box and shoulder presses on the gravity machine to compare
-kb presses (used a 16kg and focused on pulling the weight down very slowing, trying to keep the traps working)
-jump rope
-122 situps
-10 PW alligator pushups
-PW curls
-hamstring curls on the gravity machine for comparison
-gravity machine pullups
-a bunch of different cable exercises on the gravity machine
-kb cleans - did 5 on each arm progressing from the 16 up to the 24, then attempted singles with the 32 (they were ugly)
-back extensions

My intention with the gravity machine was just to experiment with it, learn how to use it, see what it can do, and have a better idea of how to use it with clients. Since training at the MBG, I am pretty biased against machines in general, but I want to know how to use it anyway. I've been getting really good results with clients using the methods learned from Jon in the CNT course, so I intend to continue training people that way...but I'm all about learning what's out there and what other people are doing. Knowledge never hurts. :)

That brings me to today's workout...everyone in class had to throw out an exercise, which was listed on the board, and then we had to say random numbers, which were pretty randomly assigned to the exercises. So the workout ended up being as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 renegade rows
4 turkish get ups on each side
7 pullups
400 m run
3 burpees (3?!?)
10 wall ball
9 swings

I moved through everything pretty fast except for the turkish get ups. I was feeling pretty beat today, so I wasn't worried about going all-out anyway.

So I am training a friend of mine today and her four children...should be fun. I need to go make some homemade med balls before I train them...guess I should do that now. Have a great day!!!


amber said...

I haven't done TGU's in awhile; might be another thing to do when I get back to Madison this weekend.

Early this week I did do a similar 'playground' workout, where I gave myself about 12 minutes to do 15reps of as many type of pushups as I could think of. Then I did 12 minutes of 10 reps of as many pull exercises as I could think of. Then 12 minutes of leg exercises, and finally 12 minutes of core. It was random and fun, and my arms were very sore the next day!

amber said...

ps: I like the random exercises yelled out by the class making up the workout. If our classes weren't so big, I'd like to try it. Maybe half could put exercises up and the other half could put numbers up, then I could match each exercise to a number? Its a thought.

Was your class then done independently, where they go off and do the list on their own? We've been trying to avoid that, because it can decrease the energy of the FIT workouts. But an occasional self-paced class is good . . .

K-Smash said...

This class was pretty small. I think there were about 7 of us working out. We all did the list at our own pace, but the energy is pretty high because most people try to burn through it as fast as they can, or they're trying to keep up with the faster people in the group. Everyone talks to each other, so the atmosphere is really good for this sort of workout.