Friday, March 16, 2007

Ready for some green brews

I am NOT working out tomorrow. Well, that was the plan all week anyway, because we're going to a wedding tomorrow. I think it will take an hour or so to get there, and its in a kidding, a castle. I assume its formal, in which case it'll actually take me an hour or so to get ready, so there's no time for a workout tomorrow anyway.

ANYWAY, yesterday morning I went for a run. I did 1/2 mile intervals, with resting by walking in circles in between. I didn't want to cover any distance during my recoveries. I covered a bit under 3 miles.

Today was a GREAT workout. I chose heavier weights, and I was feeling a bit tired, so I was nervous...but it turned out perfect. Lighter weights would have been a total cop out.

I can't remember the order exactly, but it was something like this:

30 KB clean and press (15 on each arm - used 20 kg)
walking lunges - a lot of them
30 wall ball (used 15 lb)
30 swings (used 24kg...would've used 32kg but I didn't want to carry a third KB across the room...I need to start working out on the other side of the room)
30 situps
30 high pulls (to overhead - used the 24kg)
400 m run
30 underhand body rows on a bar
30 pushups
50 burpees

I finished it in a little under 25 minutes. It was a really good workout, but now that I've recovered, I do regret not using the 32kg for the swings. At least I did all 30 without stopping. With the 32, I probably would've broken it into 2 sets.

Have a great weekend and a happy St. Patrick's Day!!

1 comment:

madison said...

Terrific workout! You are so strong K-smash. I hope you feel a sense of accomplishment, making your transition after your DH got his position, and keeping even building on your fitness!