Friday, May 18, 2007

Back to the gym, again

So, back in this morning. Burpees, I love that I get to see you when you're there these last few days. Anyway, a prison workout:

Renegade rows------Crawl to:---------Push-ups:------Lunge back to renegades

Start at 10 and work down to 1. I used the 20K for renegades and concentrated on keeping my hips level and down. For the pushups I put my feet up on a box. I almost find that that is easier, in terms of stabilizing my lower core. It was good!

I'm starting to feel strong again. Not as intense as before, but I feel like I can start to trust my strength and that feels so good. Hitting it again tomorrow!

Oh, the boyfriend, bikeman, brought me fresh morrel mushrooms. Had those with potatoes, garlic, and the liqueur from the soaked mushrooms and parmasean cheese. So, so good. Bon apetit!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

That's great that you are feeling strong again! You should! Renegade rows with 20s are pretty freakin' impressive!!!