Monday, May 07, 2007


Well, I was pretty toasted after Friday's workout. Not all of my, but my arms and upper chest really protested the 50 yards of handstand/wall walks from Friday morning. So, I did the mature thing and after subbing burpee girlz class on Saturday morning, took the class. It was a lot of fun. 15/15 workout 8 minutes for each set:

running/d-ball carry (30 lbs. held overhead)
skaters/jump squats
touchdowns/around the world

I did it and loved it (at least the parts of me that weren't hurting from Friday loved it). But, by the time I got home, reality set in, I had a tension headache that grew worse through the day, and no amount of soaking, heating pad, etc., seemed to bring relief. So, I slept a long time that night, got up and took a bike ride on Sunday, and took it easy for the rest of the day. So, not a productive weekend, but a good one. Slept in this morning, so missed workout. May get back to it tonight, definitely tomorrow morning. Have fun ladies!!

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