Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Still recovering...

Well, I am sick of being sick. Last night DH and I went for a brisk 2.5 mile walk. Tonight, I went for a 2.5 mile run at a nice, easy pace. Then I did 5 sets of 10 pushups, 5 pullups (with assistance from DH), and 30 situps.

My throat is still a bit hoarse, and I am still feeling fatigued. I'm on antibiotics for another 6 days, but I'm off the ibuprofen and decongestants. I still have a bit of a dry cough, but its not too bad. It definitely could be worse. I have a really hard time accepting being sick...I really stress out about it...pretty silly, eh?

I'm glad I was able to muster up the energy for at least a light workout. I'm hoping if I do something like this every day, it will speed things up.

Be strong and stay healthy!!!

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