Friday, May 04, 2007

So Happy Together

Its so cool to have iheartburpees here to play for a few days. We've been spending a lot of time at the gym. Last night, we worked out together by just practicing different olympic lifts, and then burpees played while I trained a couple clients. Then we went on a little tour of Austin.

This morning, burpees and I both assisted Adam teaching KB swings to all the new people in the Crossfit class. After class, we did an awesome workout together:

12 overhead squats (with barbells)
12 snatches each arm
12 chins
row 500 m on C2
12 pushups (did feet on box, hindu, and alligator)

Three times through.

We hung out in Austin more during the day, then back to the gym for more training, playing, and teaching. I definitely think we are going to wear ourselves out by Monday. :)

1 comment:

madison said...

Fun! I wish I could come and play with you! Can't wait to hear all about it. You two are so strong!