Monday, May 14, 2007

fun but demoralizing

That's a weird way to describe todays workout, but it was both. It was a 1-arm, 1-leg workout, heavy weight. The design was to start at your max weight, do as many as possible, then drop down, repeat, drop down, repeat, until you had 20 reps done per side.

Cleans: started with 32k, did 8, then did 12 with the 28k
Presses: started with 16k, did 11 or 12, then did 8 with the 12k
Foot up lunge: started with 28k, did 11, then did 7 with 24k, then did 2 with 20k. That burned the buttocks a bit
one leg deadlift: started with 28k, did 7, then did 6 with 24k, then did 7 with 20k

It was hard, and by the end you felt like a wuss, barely able to press the 12k. But my arms were toast, and in fact they are still shaky as I type this. So I guess I had a good workout. At the time it sucked though.

Then I did a core set: 20-15-10-5 reps of each: pikeups, curls, and rollouts with the power wheel.


K-Smash said...

That's a cool workout. I'm impressed with the 32kg cleans. I really can't do those. I can do maybe one or two, but barely. I wish we had a 28kg...the jump from 24kg to 32kg is pretty big. Anyway, nice job! That's great!

amber said...

yeah that is a big jump. Even 4k difference seems huge when I'm trying to move up in some exercises!

I have to tell you that today, my butt is so sore from Monday's workout. The heavy foot up lunges and deadlifts really did a number on my glutes. Its deep inside, and feels really weird. But that's probably a good thing.

madison said...

That workout sounds awesome! Can't wait to try it! Hope you're doing some HEY (supine bridge, table) are pretty neutral poses for setting your spine when your legs/butt are toasted.